Mahamantra is precious; so precious that Krishna blesses this Mantra only to people whom He loves the most.

Sri Sri Swamiji's Vision
Chanting the Divine names of God, especially the "Hare Rama..." Mahamantra as prescribed inthe Kali Santarana Upanishad, is the simplest & the most practical path to liberation and attainment of Universal Love in this age.
~HH Sri Sri Muralidhara SwamijiAffectionately called Guruji by his devotees, His Holiness Maharanyam Sri SriMuralidhara Swamiji renounced his worldly ties at an early age to partake in the redeeming of Sanathana Dharma and the path of Bhakthi. His Divine Incarnation was at the Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu in Southern India. His unmatched respect and love for Vedas and other ancient scriptures of our Dharma made Him dedicate His life to ensure that every home was led to the path of Bhakti, and Nama (the Divine Name of God) sweetened every tongue. Sri Swamiji lays utmost stress on the significance of Nama Kirtan (Chanting the Divine names of God) as the easiest & the most practical path to liberation in this age.
Sri Sri Swamiji, in his journey in the path of love, inculcates a spirit of universal acceptance, coupled with intense faith and steadfast devotion on the spiritual seeker. Sri Swamiji believes that protecting Vedas is of paramount importance as this will in turn enable society to get rid of its trials, tribulations and evils, and to this end he directs all his activities and teachings. As an ardent believer in Sri KanchiMahaperiyava’s movement for Veda Samrakshana, Sri Sri Swamiji established the SandeepaniGurukulam Trust, the intention of which is to perpetuate learning of the Vedas, which is verily the life line of BharataDesa and the essence of Sanathana Dharma. This is accomplished by running Yajur and Sama Veda Patasalas in traditional style.
Even within Advaitha systems, there many subsects like AjaataVaadam, ShrustiDhrustiVaadam, DhrustiShrustiVaadam and so on. Similarly in Sri VaishnavaSamparadaya philosophy there are two main sub sects – Vadakalai and Thenkalai...'
Sri Swamiji says whatever philosophy these Mahaans have established, we never criticize, nor do we object to any Mahatma. We find all philosophies acceptable.
What is our philosophy then?
Chant mahamantra and realize the ultimate
What is that ultimate is the decision of Krishna.
This is verily our philosophy. -
Reaching out The Mahamantra to every nook and corner of the world, since Nama Kirtan is the surest, safest and easiest way to reach God.
Showing the path of Bhakti to all genuine seekers
Spreading Universal Peace and Brotherhood by Inner Transformation
Protection of Vedas and the scriptures which constitute the bedrock of our Sanathana Dharma
Renovation and maintenance of ancient temples which are storehouses of spirituality, with utmost care & devotion
Creating awareness about, and inculcating respect for, the incredible contribution of ancient India to the world, in young minds
Developing a band of inspired, selfless youngsters who shall serve the society by disseminating the profound truths revealed to us by our great ancestors

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